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Learn: Protein contains 4 calories per gram. This means that 25g of protein is roughly 100 calories. Protein plays several roles in our body:

  1. Helps build muscle

  2. Protein contains amino acids that help us recover but repairing our damaged muscles

  3. Aids the immune system

  4. Keeps you feeling full

Each person requires different amounts of protein. A good way to figure out how much protein you need is to take your bodyweight in lbs and multiple it by 0.8-1.0.

This means a person weighing 150lbs would need 120-150g of protein per day. For most athletes, staying closer to that 0.9-1.0 mark tends to be the better option.

Now, how do we measure this? A 4oz. portion of meat is roughly the size of a deck of cards. 4oz. of meat contains roughly 25g of protein. Two servings of meat, one at lunch and one at dinner, gives you 50g right there! Dairy products also tend to have a lot of protein like cheese, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. nuts, seeds, and nut butters also have some protein as well!

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Which proteins listed below are JUST protein sources?

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