Unfortunately, injuries happen. Although some may come at “better” times than others, they are still bound to happen, but does that affect your ability to get recruited?

I would like to note that it is important to understand that all situations are different, which means this may not apply for every injured athlete that aspires or is currently going through the recruiting process.


In the recruiting process, communication is going to be one of the most important aspects, injury or not. However, if you are an injured athlete going through recruitment, it is important to advocate for yourself. It is important to be honest with coaches throughout the process, as you want to be upfront as possible in order for both you (the player) and the coaches needs to be met. Honesty is key!


In any environment, an individual will meet their full needs if the necessary variables are in equilibrium with one another. Basically, what this means is that you have to have balance in your life in order to function at a heathy rate. If you are an injured athlete in the midst of the recruiting process, do not forget to keep acknowledging where you are at with your injury. It can be common for injuries to be “left in the dust” or “hidden” throughout this process, but it is essential to let yourself heal before rushing back. It may bring stressful emotion to feel “behind” on the process, but transparency of the said injury is crucial as said.

Work Hard.

Although you may not be on the field, ice, court, etc., there are still many ways to show that you are a hard working athlete that is willing to make a commitment. If you are injured and unable to actively show coaches your ability and work ethic in a certain moment, do not forget that ‘behind the scene’ moments are just as valuable. It may be through rehab, skill sessions, teamwork, or even shown on a more personable level though character development, but either way it is important to understand that you still have that ability.


It may seem cliche how everyone says it, but injuries are the most crucial time to self-reflect through identities other than athletics, one of those being academics. It may seem like it at times, but the college recruiting process is not just about how good you are in your sport, which means that there is so much more work that is involved behind it. If you are injured, it is a crucial time for you to keep your grades up, possible work on college applications, keep communication with coaches, or even involve yourself more academically outside of just holding one identity.

Be Human.

Things happen. In life, it is impossible to have no flaws or unfortunate events like injuries. Although as the athlete you may feel intimidated of a coach or nervous to have “messed up”, but it is likely that they could have been in the same exact place during their recruitment. It may be hard to be vulnerable, but do not forget to be human and know that these coaches are human too and almost always are willing to accommodate to the said professional extent.


Sara Abrahamson (@saabrahamson)

College Athlete

➪ University of Rhode Island Women’s Ice Hockey

➪ Economics & Criminal Justice Major

➪ Coach